Friday 1 June 2012

Them Crazy St. Lucians

Long time no see! And it may be longer still!

I am now your Wednesday blogger over at Displodo-dot-blogspot-dot-co-dot-uk!
Displodo is an entertainment group, they make films with powerful messages for people today, especially the youth. Mostly, just random and absurdly funny videos, as well as music videos, commercials, and full length feature films! (In the works). Everything they produce is scripted, directed, filmed, edited and produced by them.

They are totally crazy, and they have a big passion for directing and making videos. I hope we'll be able to get together over the summer and work on something great!
Please follow their blog! I'll mostly be posting from there, my alias is "THE MOP."
See ya!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

INSURGENT GIVEAWAY... You can probably guess why I'm posting this...


While that is the coolest name ever, I am about to post the link to the giveaway.

My chances are very slim. But, this morning, I was thinking about what would it take to grab me an ARC of INSURGENT... So, I'm taking this as a sign...

Oh, and if you're a photoshop nut, author Lauren DeStefano (Wither trilogy) is holding a design-a-facebook-banner contest over on her blog (GOODIES ARE IN STORE!). After much harassment, multiple entries are now allowed.
Latest video: In collaboration with my friend Catherine, an "Official" promo for the 3rd Hattori Hachi book is now up.
Have a splendid day!

Wednesday 29 February 2012

I Need To Tell Someone.

About. This. Skirt.

... I am obsessed. It's sad. This might have something to do with the fact that my favourite singer, Amy Lee, has one...
But I think it's awesome. Unfortunately, they're all sold out right now, so... :(

I could so use this in my real-life Pokémon series.

... This blogpost is pretty pointless. If you like this skirt as much as I did, check out the link HERE.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Why hi, there; I'm FreeFallen. I have a gazillion other pseudonyms, but for now, that's the one I'm using! Welcome to my blog. Feel free to explore on some upcoming features I hope to present you with.
Fly on, prosper, and may the odds be ever in your favour,